What are "irls"/"das" according to the internet?: An irl/da is someone holding a belief they're a fictional character; they're usually aware it's a delusion, despite asking others not to reality check them, they reality check themselves by referring to themselves as a irl or da. An "irl" or 'delusional attachment" is not a proper medical term for the subtype of delusions.

What is the actual medical term?: Delusion of grandeur is the false belief in which they believe they're a totally different being/person/identity other than themselves such as religious figures, celebrities, or in most cases seen on the internet, fictional characters. They're most found in psychotic related disorders.(schizophrenia, bpd, bipolar, dementia, etc)

What is psychosis?: Psychosis is a symptom (not a disorder you numbskulls.) mainly seen in disorders like schizophrenia, bpd, bipolar, etc. It can also be seen during the aftermath of drug use. Psychosis is not a disorder, despite many internet users claiming so online.

Many internet users mainly seen on social sites like twitter, tiktok, discord, tumblr, etc claim they're a character of a character they might like but gatekeep heavily to themselves, so they believe it's reasonable to claim they're said character. The thing about this is when you have a delusion, you aren't aware that it's a delusion at all. You believe its actual reality and go to all lengths to prove its true, which results in paranoia, psychotic episodes, etc.

The term "irl" originated from tumblr mainly coined by the kin community. The term delusional attachment was coined by someone on twitter who was notorious for controversies unrelated. Neither terms are medically recognized terms and will not be taken seriously by actual medical professionals.

The reason the majority of you are faking having delusions of being fictional characters is simply the fact you are aware it's a delusion. You make it seem like its fun and just like kinning when in reality, delusions fuck you up so bad especially because you are aren't aware of it, and that you will believe it's actual reality.

the person who made this carrd is an 18 year old whos is professionally diagnosed with schizophrenia and bpd, two disorders that inhabit psychotic symptoms and delusions. I use to be on antirecovery subtwts that consisted of users who used the term "irl" or "da", and i myself would use said terms for myself. it wasnt until later in 2021 i would begin dissociating myself from the subtwts/discord servers that encouraged the behavior. The community was not only filled with fakers but extremely toxic people who would throw around slurs like it meant nothing, casually tell others death threats, harass others over "doubling" them, and so forth. With the majority of those who encouraged said behavior were around 13-15, 16 at the very least, so i do not encourage harassment towards minors who encourage it, i do encourage proper help and to realize that doing this shit is harming those who actually suffer from this stuff and is making it where people who actually suffer from these disorders are getting fakeclaimed over it.

Brusie C. (2017). What Are Delusions of Grandeur? Healthline.

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